Xbase++ Workbench:xwb

Open an existing project Foundation

For demonstration reasons we use a project from the Xbase++ example applications: LOGIN. To open this project, select Help -> Desktop Samplesfrom the Xbase++ Workbench menu. With the explorer navigate to the folder migrate\login and double click the project file project.xpj.

The Project Manager displays the contents of this project file in a tree view:

LOGIN project

The LOGIN project consists of three targets: LOGIN_G.EXE, LOGIN_H.EXE and LOGIN_T.EXE. The current target is marked with bold letters. It is LOGIN_G.EXE in this example.

the Project Manager is the sole authority over project files and changes their contents automatically. If your existing project files contain comments, make a safety copy first before opening an existing project file. Comments are not maintained by the Project Manager.


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