Xbase++ Workbench:xwb

Building the target Foundation

The build process is invoked via the Build menu which offers three possibilities for building the project.

Building the current target, which is LOGIN_G.EXE in this Getting Started tour.
Building the project. This builds all targets.
Rebuild All files of the project.

Before you start the build process, select the Messages tab in the Messages Window, open its context menu with a right-click and make sure that the option Show All Messages is selected.

Now choose the option Rebuild All from the Build menu and watch the Messages window. It displays messages, warnings and errors that occur during the build process. They are issued by the various tools like PBuild, Compiler and Linker.

When the targets are completely built, you can inspect warnings and error messages in the Result Window. To correct the source code, you only need to double click a warning or error message and change to the Source Code Editor.

Double clicking a warning or error message in the Messages window instructs the Source Code Editor to open the corresponding file and to position the cursor on the line in the source code which has caused the warning or error message. I.e. you can work through all warnings and errors and find the offending lines in your source code with a double click.


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