Xbase++ Workbench:xwb

Adding and removing files Foundation

Files can be removed from the project by selecting the corresponding file name in the Project Manager, opening the context menu with a right click and choosing Remove from the menu. This deletes the file name from the project definition file (XPJ file). It does not delete the file itself. It is important to understand that the Project Manager does not erase files from disk when the file is removed from the project!

Just try it out: Highlight the file LOGIN_G.PRG, for example, open the context menu and select Remove. The file is no longer part of the target LOGIN_G.EXE. Now right-click the target LOGIN_G.EXE and select from the context menu Add existing file. This opens a file selection dialog where you choose LOGIN_G.PRG. The file is still there and is added back to the target.

This exercise has demonstrated not only that the Project Manager does not touch source code files. It also shows that different context menus exist in the Xbase++ Workbench.


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