Internet Technologies:waa

IIS version 7.0 Professional

The following description refers to the installation directory of the WAA server. By default the WAA server installs to the directory C:\Program Files\Alaska Software\waa20. On Windows 64 Bit the directory is C:\Program Files (x86)\Alaska Software\waa20.

1: From the folder gateway\isapi of the WAA installation copy the files waa1gate.dll and waa1gate.cfg to the folder C:\Windows\System32\Inetsrv.Please refer to the section WAA Server kit for more information about the WAA installation. For more information on how to configure the gateway, be referred to the section WAA gatewayin this manual.

2: The WAA sample collection depends on a folder temp in the DocumentRoot directory of the Web server. Create the folder tempin the directory c:\inetpub\wwwroot.

3: Copy the file indexDLL.htm from the WAA sample collection to the folder c:\inetpub\wwwroot.

4: The WAA sample collection depends on write permissions for the document root of the Web server. Ensure that the folder c:\inetpub\wwwroot exposes write permissions to IIS_IUSRS and IUSR.

5: Create a request path that is mapped to the WAA gateway. For this start the Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager by entering the command inetmgr on a command line.

On the Connections pane mark Default Web Site and then double click the item Handler Mapping. Click on Add Script Map on the Actionspane. For running the WAA packages coming with the sample collection it is recommended to fill out the form with following values:

Request Path: /scripts/waa1gate.dll

Executable: C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\waa1gate.dll

Name: Waa Gateway

Once this has been accomplished any HTTP request using the form http://<your server>/scripts/waa1gate.dll... will be directed to the gateway.


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