Internet Technologies:waa

Testing the configuration Professional

After completing the configuration, you should perform the following tests, to verify that everything works properly and correctly.

A) Test the availability of the HTTP server

On the machine where the HTTP server is running, open a web browser and enter the following URL to navigate to the default HTML page of the HTTP Server:http://localhost. After this has been successfully accomplished, append the name of the index page file (that was earlier copied from the sample directory to the root drive of the HTTP server) to the URL. For example, if the HTML file indexdll.htm was copied, enter following URL: http://localhost/indexdll.htm.

B) Test the communication between the HTTP server and the Gateway

Start your Web browser, like Internet Explorer or Mozilla, and connect to the HTTP server by entering the host name of your HTTP server as URL, for example If the index page of the WAA samples package is not configured as the default index page, then it is required to explicitly request the page "indexEXE.htm", "indexISA.htm", or "indexDLL.htm" using the URL for example.

Ensure that the WAA server is not running and click any link or one of the push buttons displayed on the samples' start-up page. The following error should be displayed:

WAA Gateway Error 
Description: WAA1GATE cannot establish connection to WAA1SRV 
Code:        10061 
Message:     No connection could be made because the target 
             machine actively refused it. 

This error message indicates that the HTTP server has invoked the gateway properly and that the WAA server is not available (since at this stage we have not yet started the WAA server). If you do not get this error message, you must check the deployment of the WAA gateway as described in earlier sections. Also check the data in "waa1gate.cfg" as described in the section WAA Gateway .

C) Test the communications between the Gateway and the WAA server

The next step is to start the WAA server. For this, execute the entry Start Server of the WAA installation in the Windows Start menu.

Now reload the index page of the WAA samples in your browser as described above and click on any link or on any push button that is displayed.

A click on the push button A Computer Shop may return the following error page:

WAA Gateway Error 
Description: Cannot open file <document root>\htdocs\temp/Waablue.gif 
Code:        0 
Message:     The operation completed successfully. 

This message indicates that the gateway was not able to write the file Waablue.gif to the folder temp. In that case ensure that this folder exists.

Should you observe different error messages at this stage, then the WAA gateway can not communicate with the WAA server. In that case, you must re-check the configuration and environment variables required for "waa1srv.exe".

If your Web browser displays a new HTML page after a link or push button is clicked, both installation and configuration are correct and verified!


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