Internet Technologies:waa

Apache HTTP server (version 2.2.10) Professional

Attention: The following steps require copying of files and creating folders in directories of the Apache installation. On the Windows operating systems Vista and higher, ensure that these steps are done with Administrator privileges. Alternatively the User Access Control (UAC) may be turned off.

The description below refers to the installation directory of the Apache web server. By default, the Apache web server installs to the directory C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2. On Windows 64-Bit, the directory is C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2. For information about the WAA installation location refer to the chapter WAA Server kit

1: The Klondike Computer Shop from the WAA's sample collection depends on the folder temp in the DocumentRoot directory of the Web server. Create the folder temp in the directory htdocs of the Apache web server installation.

2: From the WAA sample collection, copy indexEXE.htm to the DocumentRootdirectory. The file indexEXE.htm can be found via a click on the item Sample Collection of the WAA installation in the Windows Start menu. The Apache web server is configured to use the file "index.html" as the default page, so you may want to rename indexEXE.htm to index.html.

3: Copy the files "waa1gate.exe" and "waa1gate.cfg" from the directory \gateway\w32 of the WAA installation to the folder cgi-bin of the Apache web server installation. For more information on how to configure the gateway, refer to the section WAA gateway of this manual.

If you want to configure your Apache server beyond this setup, please read the comments found in the Apache configuration file HTTPD.CONFand refer to By default, the configuration file can be found in the directory C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf.


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