Internet Technologies:waa

IIS up to version 6.0 Professional

Copy the file "waa1gate.cfg" from the \WAA1W32\Gateway\ISAPI directory of your WAA installation to the \WINNT\System32\inetsrv directory of your Windows installation. If the configuration file is not placed in the \WINNT\System32\inetsrv directory, you will receive error messages when the WAA gateway is accessed.

Depending on the setup of your IIS installation and depending on the Windows operating system used, the default location for the configuration file differs.

Edit the copied gateway configuration file and set the variable "docroot=" to the physical directory where you will store your HTML pages. IIS uses the directory \Inetpub\wwwroot as default. Make sure that the variable "hostname" matches the name of the machine that will be running the WAA server. If this variable is not set correctly, the WAA gateway will not find the WAA server. If the WAA server is running on the same machine as the WAA gateway and HTTP server, this variable can remain on its default setting "localhost".

Now copy the file "waa1gate.isa" from the \WAA1W32\GATEWAY\ISAPI directory to the physical directory matching your virtual \SCRIPTS directory. Be sure that you copy the file with the extension ".ISA" -- the IIS will not work properly with a "normal" DLL, it insists on DLLs with the extension ".ISA".

There is a "waa1gate.dll" file in the ISAPI directory which does not differ from "waa1gate.isa" except for its extension.

For more information on how to configure the WAA gateway, refer to the section WAA Gateway in this manual.

By default, the document root directory for the IIS is C:\Inetpub\wwwroot. Install the file "indexISA.htm" from the WAA sample collection to this directory. Also create a folder temp in this directory, as the Klondike Computer Shop sample application depends on this directory.


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