Internet Technologies:waa

WAA gateway Professional

The following files must be located in the same directory: "waa1gate.exe", "waa1gate.isa" or "waa1gate.dll" and the file "waa1gate.cfg". In "waa1gate.cfg" you must specify the host name of the computer where the WAA server is run, the port number to be used by the gateway, and the document root directory used by your HTTP server. In case the Web server and the WAA server are both running on the same machine, the host name can be localhost. If you do not know the host name, consult your network administrator. Under Windows you can find the computer's host name by typing HOSTNAME on a command prompt. It is recommended to use 1024 as port number. This is an example gateway configuration:

// basic configuration file for the WAA gateway 
hostname = 
port     = 1024 
docroot  = C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs 

Alternatively you can specify the IP address for hostname. If you don't know the IP address, you can obtain it by typing PING <host name> on the command line. This will display the IP address of the host computer. The configuration file then could look like this:

// basic configuration file for the WAA gateway 
hostname = 
port     = 1024 
docroot  = C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs 

An optional configuration variable can be specified in the "waa1gate.cfg" file for sending e-mail. It specifies the name of the mail server:

smtphost = mailServerName 

If not specified, this variable defaults to smtphost = mail.

Another optional configuration variable can be specified to limit the approximate maximum file size allowed to be uploaded to the server. This may be useful when the web application implements file uploads from the client site to the WAA server and/or when the server shouldn't handle files of arbitrary size.

Please note that the upload includes the file(s) as well as protocol overhead. This means that the maximum size of the file(s) to be transferred is always slightly less then the size specified. MaxUploadSize is expressed in Kilobytes and defaults to 0 which means that no restriction is active:

maxuploadsize = 0 


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