Member variable XbpRtf():scrollbars Foundation

Configures the scroll bars of the XbpRtf object.

Attribute: EXPORTED

The following constants from the file XBP.CH are used to configure the scroll bars of an XbpRtf object. Note that scrollbars are only displayed when the text buffer is too large in size to be displayed entirely in the visible area.

Constants for instance variable :scrollbars
Constant Description
XBP_SCROLLBAR_NONE No scroll bar is displayed
XBP_SCROLLBAR_HORIZ Horizontal scroll bar is displayed if text buffer is wider than can be displayed
XBP_SCROLLBAR_VERT Vertical scroll bar is displayed if text buffer has more lines than fit into display area

The contants XBP_SCROLLBAR_HORIZ and XBP_SCROLLBAR_VERT can be combined to have the XbpRtf object display both a horizontal and a vertical scroll bar, if required. To do that, the contants must be added.


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