Method XbpFont():setIFont() Foundation

Initialize font through an IFont automation object.

:setIFont( <oFont> ) --> lSuccess
An automation object connected to an IFont COM object.

The method returns a logical value. If the XbpFont object was initialized, the value .T. (true) is returned. In case of an error, return is .F. (false).


When working with COM/ActiveX objects, an Xbase++ application often needs to manipulate fonts which are stored in COM/ActiveX properties, or which are returned by method calls. In this case, the font is usually returned as an AutomationObject() connected to an IFont COM/ActiveX interface. However, generally objects of class AutomationObject cannot be used with Xbase Parts or the Graphics Engine. Instead, the image must be specified as an XbpFont() object.

Method :setIFont() initializes an XbpFont object with font data from an IFont COM/ActiveX interface. This method provides a convenient way to retrieve the font maintained by a IFont COM/ActiveX interface.


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