Method MIMEContent():attachMixed() Professional
Attach MIMEContent object as mixed content
:attachMixed( <oMIMEContent> ) --> lSuccess
The method :attachMixed() returns .T. (true) if the object that is passed as a parameter was successfully attached. In case of an error, .F. (false) is returned.
In order to attach an object of class MIMEContent to another object of the same class, :attachMixed() can be used. Calling this method automatically transforms a single-part content to a multi-part content, if required.
With :attachMixed(), it is possible to compose multi-part messages with mixed content. Ordinary e-mails with file attachments are a good example for this type of message.
For an example on how to use :attachMixed(), please refer to the :encodeBase64() sample code.
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