Class MIMEContent() Professional

Class function of the MIMEContent class.


The MIMEContent class provides services for inspecting the contents of an e-mail when it is retrieved from a POP3 server via a POP3Client object. Therefore, MIMEContent objects are usually not created via the :new()method but are retrieved from a MIMEMessage object that represents the retrieved e-mail message. The general programming pattern for this is as follows:

oMIMEMessage := oPOP3Client:getMessage( nIndex ) 
aContent     := oMIMEMessage:getContent() 

FOR i:=1 TO Len( aContent ) 
oContent := aContent[i] 

<examine data of oContent> 

The contents of a simple e-mail message contain simply the character string of the e-mail body, plus the content-type and the content-transfer-encoding used to encode the text. However, an e-mail may be comprised of multiple parts containing not only the text but also file attachments, for example. An e-mail is then transferred as a multi-part message, and each part may also contain multi-part content. Therefore, the contents of an e-mail message is always returned as an array of MIMEContent objects which must be inspected individually in order to obtain all parts of an e-mail message.

In case of multi-part messages, a content can be one of three types. If it contains binary information to be attached to the e-mail, then the contents is usually added as mixed type. An example for a binary attachment is an image or a file.

If the content type of an e-mail is "text/html", the html part may reference images that can be added as a related content type.

In case the content of an e-mail is of type "text/html", a content of type "text/plain" can be added as alternative content. This way, the mail can also be read by e-mail readers that cannot display html pages.

Instance variable
Unique character string
Class methods
Create a MIMEContent object from a binary character string.
Create a MIMEContent object from an ASCII character string.
Create a MIMEContent object from a file.
Methods for composing multipart content
Attach MIMEContent object as alternative content
Attach MIMEContent object as mixed content
Attach MIMEContent object as related content
Methods for examining e-mail contents
Retrieves the contents of a single part when it has multi-part content.
Retrieves the content transfer encoding of a single part.
Retrieves the content type of a single part.
Retrieves the original file name of a single part.
Retrieves the message body of a single part.
Tests whether the message in a single part is converted automatically.
Determines if a single part is comprised of multiple content parts.
Specifies the charset of a single part.
Examining multi-part messages
// This example demonstrates how to program a recursive 
// routine for inspecting multi-part e-mails. 

#include "" 

#define CRLF  Chr(13)+Chr(10) 

#pragma library("ASINET10.LIB") 

// Usage: <cPopServer>  Your mailserver ( "" ) 
//        <cUsername>   Username for authentification 
//        <cPasswor>    Password for authentification 
PROCEDURE main( cPopServer, cUsername, cPassword ) 
   LOCAL oPop3, nCount, i, oMail, aContent 

   // Check Parameter 
   IF PCount() < 3 
     ? "Error: Parameter missing" 
     ? "Usage:", AppName(), "popserver username password" 

   // Create connection to the Pop server 
   oPop3 := POP3Client():new( cPopServer, NIL    , ; 
                              cUsername,  cPassword , ; 
                              LogWriter():new(), 2   ) 
   IF .NOT. oPOP3:connect() 
      ? "Unable to establish connection to:", cPopServer 

   // Iterate all messages and dump the contents 

   nCount := oPOP3:getNumberOfNewMessages() 
   FOR i:=1 TO nCount 
      // Obtain MIMEMessage object for e-mail 
      oMail := oPOP3:getMessage( i ) 
      aContent := oMail:getContent() 
      GetAllContent( aContent ) 


// Printout: content-type 
//           content-transfer-encoding 
//           filename if any 
//           message body 
// In case  the MIMEContent is a file attachment 
// then write the file to drive 
PROCEDURE GetAllContent( aContent ) 
   LOCAL oContent, i, nLen, nHandle 
   LOCAL cType, cEncoding, cFilename, cBody 

   nLen := Len( aContent ) 

   FOR i:=1 TO nLen 
      oContent := aContent[i] 

      // In case the content is a multipart message the 
      // content contains an array of other MIMEContent 
      // objects. So call this function recursive 
      IF oContent:isMultiPart() 
         GetAllContent( oContent:getContent() ) 

      // Printout parts of the message 

      cType     := oContent:getContentType() 
      cEncoding := oContent:getContentTransferEncoding() 
      cFilename := oContent:getFileName() 
      cBody     := oContent:getMessage() 

      ? "Content-Type:", cType 
      ? "Content-Transfer-Encoding:", cEncoding 

      IF .NOT. Empty( cFilename ) 
         ? "Attached file:", cFilename 

         // Create local copy of file 
         nHandle := FCreate( cFilename ) 
         FWrite( nHandle, cBody ) 
         Fclose( nHandle ) 

      // parts of type text/xxx can be viewed directly 
      IF "text/" $ Lower( cType ) 
         ? "Content:", cBody 

      ? "End-Part" 

// User-defined CLASS FOR log-data processing 
CLASS LogWriter 
   INLINE METHOD write( cLogData ) 
      ? cLogData 

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