Class MIMEMessage() Professional

Class function of the MIMEMessage class


Instances of the MIMEMessage class encapsulate the complexities of the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions, a specification for formatting non-ASCII messages so that they can be sent over the Internet. MIMEMessage objects are used to retrieve e-mail messages in conjunction with a POP3Client() object, or to send e-mails with a SMTPClient() object. This means that MIMEMessage objects are of no use on their own, but help a programmer to create and/or examine MIME e-mail messages in a comfortable way.

A MIMEMessage object takes care of all elements of an e-mail, that is, sender, recipients, headers, content and file attachments. Therefore, a MIMEMessage object plays a central role for sending/receiving e-mails with Xbase++ applications.

The MIMEMessage class does not feature specific interfaces for accessing every header field which may be used in an e-mail message. However, the methods:getHeader()and :addHeader() provide a generalized way for reading and writing arbitrary header values, and can be used in cases where no specific interface exists.

The following code snippet illustrates accessing the recipient of a message, the recipient of a carbon copy ("Cc"), and the recipient of a blind copy ("Bcc") of the same message:

oMimeMessage := MimeMessage():new() 

oMimeMessage:addRecipient( MailAddress():new( "" ) ) 
oMimeMessage:addHeader( "Cc", "" ) 
oMimeMessage:addHeader( "Bcc", "" ) 

? oMimeMessage:getHeader( "To" ) 
? oMimeMessage:getHeader( "Cc" ) 
? oMimeMessage:getHeader( "Bcc" ) 

The maintenance of different (mime) parts of an e-mail is the task of the subclass MIMEContent().

The class MailAddress() is used for stting the recipient with the method :addRecipient() and for determining the sender with the method :getFrom().

Class methods
Creates an instance of the MIMEMessage class.
Creates an instance of the MIMEMessage class from a string.
Methods for retrieving e-mails

Methods in this group are mainly used to examine the contents of an e-mail that is retrieved via oPOP3Client:getMessage(). This method returns a MIMEMessage object containing the different parts of an e-mail.

Retrieves the contents of all header fields.
Extracts the contents.
Retrieves the content transfer encoding.
Retrieves the content type.
Retrieves the creation date.
Retrieves the "From:" header.
Retrieves the contents of a header field.
Retrieves the "Subject:" line.
Methods for sending e-mails

Methods in this group are usually called when an e-mail message is assembled in an Xbase++ application. The mail is then sent to a mail server via a SMTPClient object and its :send() method.

Adds a header field.
Adds a "To:" header.
Attaches a file.
Deletes a header field.
Deletes a recipient.
Sets the contents of all header fields.
Defines the content transfer encoding.
Defines the content type.
Configures the sending of Delivery Service Notification e-mails
Defines the "From:" header.
Assigns the text body.
Defines the "Subject:" header.
Using a MIMEMessage object for sending an e-mail
// The example demonstrates how to assemble an e-mail 
// and send it via an SMTPCLient object to the recipient 

#include "" 

#define CRLF  Chr(13)+Chr(10) 

// Usage: <cEmailAdr>   Email address for both, the sender and recepient 
//        <cMailServer> Your mailserver ( "" ) 
//        <cUsername>   In case your mailserver requires authentification 
//                      the username can be passed 
//        <cPasswor>    Password for authentification 
PROCEDURE main( cEmailAdr, cMailServer, cUsername, cPassword ) 
   LOCAL oSmtp, oMail, oSender, cText, oRecipient 

   // This will be the message text 
   cText      := "Happy Birthday to Jane" + CRLF + CRLF 
   cText      += "Cheers" + CRLF 
   cText      += "  John" + CRLF 

   // create the MIMEMessage, the sender and the 
   // recipient object 
   oMail      := MIMEMessage():new() 
   oSender    := MailAddress():new( cEmailAdr ) 
   oRecipient := MailAddress():new( cEmailAdr ) 

   // Assemble the e-mail 
   // Set contact information 
   oMail:setFrom     ( oSender     ) 
   oMail:addRecipient( oRecipient  ) 
   oMail:addHeader   ( "Reply-To", cEmailAdr ) 

   // Set message contents 
   oMail:setSubject  ( "Greetings" ) 
   oMail:setMessage  ( cText       ) 

   // Connect to smtp server and send the mail 
   oSmtp := SMTPClient():new( cMailServer ) 
   IF oSmtp:connect( cUsername, cPassword ) 

      oSmtp:send( oMail ) 
      ? "Message sent" 
      ? "Unable to connect to mail server" 

Using a MIMEMessage object for sending an html e-mail
// The example demonstrates how to generate an e-mail from an html page. 
// Hereby the MimeMessage object is created by using class methods 
// from its baseclass MimeContent. Additionally a bitmap is added 
// to the mail as related content. 

#include "" 

// This sample demonstrates the creation of an html mail. 
// Usage: <cEmailAdr>   Email address for both, the sender and recepient 
//        <cMailServer> Your mailserver ( "" ) 
//        <cUsername>   In case your mailserver requires authentification 
//                      the username can be passed 
//        <cPasswor>    Password for authentification 
PROCEDURE main( cEmailAdr, cMailServer, cUsername, cPassword ) 
    LOCAL oMe, oMail, oServer, oBitmapCont 
    LOCAL cID 

    // For connecting to related content we need the same string 
    // in the html content as link and as header info in the 
    // related content 
    cID := MimeContent():new():uniqueString 

    // Parameter checking 
    IF PCount() < 2 
       ? "Usage:" 
       ? AppName(), "cEmailAdr cMailServer [cUsername] [cPassword]" 

    // One MAILAddress object for sender and recepient 
    oMe := MAILAddress():new( cEmailAdr ) 

    // Prepare MIMEMessage object. 
    // Create the MIMEMessage object QuotedPrintable encoded. 
    // EncodeQuotedPrintable is a class method of MIMEContent. 
    // The background image will be connected to the html page 
    // by parameter cID 
    oMail := MIMEMessage():encodeQuotedPrintable( getHtml(cEmailAdr, cID), ; 
                                                  "text/html" ) 

    oMail:setFrom( oMe ) 
    oMail:addRecipient( oMe ) 
    oMail:setSubject( "Asinet Html mail docu sample" ) 

    // Create the MIMEContent object containing the bitmap 
    oBitmapCont := getBitmapCont() 

    // Attach the Content that contains the bitmap 
    // Note that the same ID is required as in the html string. 
    // (see function getBitmapCont() below) 
    IF ! Empty( oBitmapCont ) 
       oMail:attachRelated( oBitmapCont, cID ) 

    // Create SMTPClient. Then connect to Server and send message. 
    oServer := SMTPClient():new( cMailServer ) 
    IF ! oServer:connect( cUsername, cPassword ) 
       ? "Unable to connect to mail server" 

    oServer:send( oMail ) 

    ? "Message sent!" 
    ? "Check account", cEmailAdr, "for new mail" 


// Helper method for creating a MimeContent object 
// from a bitmap 
FUNCTION getBitmapCont() 
   LOCAL cXppResource, oContent, nPos 

   // Extract bitmap resource path from environment 
   // variable 
   cXppResource := Lower( GetEnv( "XppResource" ) ) 
   IF 0 == ( nPos := At( "resource", cXppResource ) ) 
      ? "XppResource Environment variable not set:" 
      ? "  Background image can not be loaded" 
   // len( "resource" ) + 1 == 7 
   cXppResource := SubStr( cXppResource, 1, nPos + 7 ) 
   cXppResource += "\bitmap\keybd1.bmp" 

   // Create content from file 
   oContent := MimeContent():createFromFile( cXppResource ) 

RETURN oContent 

// Helper for returning a Html page 
FUNCTION getHtml( cMail, cID ) 
   LOCAL cStr := "" 
   cStr += '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">' 
   // Here we use a link to the embedded picture 
   cStr += '<html>' 
   cStr += '  <head></head>' 
   cStr += '  <body background="cid:' + cID + '"' 
   cStr += '    <h1>' 
   cStr += '       Hallo from <br>'+cMail+'!' 
   cStr += '    <h1>' 
   cStr += '  </body>' 
   cStr += '</html>' 
Using a MIMEMessage object for retrieving an e-mail
// The example outlines the steps required for retrieving 
// an e-mail and examining its contents. The first mail 
// stored in a mailbox is retrieved, header fields are displayed 
// and file attachments are written to local files. 

#include "" 

   LOCAL nHandle, i, cText, aContent 
   LOCAL oPop3, oMail, oSender, oContent 

   LOCAL cFile     := NIL 
   LOCAL cServer   := "mail" 
   LOCAL cUserName := "JohnDoe" 
   LOCAL cPassword := "Lancelot" 

   oPop3 := POP3Client():new( cServer  , NIL      , ; 
                              cUserName, cPassWord  ) 

   IF .NOT. oPOP3:connect() 
      ? "Unable to establish connection to:", cServer 

   // receive the first message from the Pop server and 
   // extract the sender and an array with all MIMEContent 
   // objects 
   oMail    := oPOP3:getMessage(1) 
   oSender  := oMail:getFrom() 
   aContent := oMail:getContent() 

   ? "   From:", oSender:getString() 
   ? "Subject:", oMail:getSubject() 

   FOR i:=1 TO Len( aContent ) 
      oContent := aContent[i] 

      IF oContent:isMultiPart() 
         ? "Multi-part contents must be extracted recursively" 

      cText := oContent:getMessage() 

      DO CASE 
      CASE "text/" $ Lower( oContent:getContentType() ) 

         // This is printable content 
         ? "Content:", cText 

      CASE .NOT. Empty( cFile := oContent:getFileName() ) 

         // This is a file attachment 
         nHandle := FCreate( cFile ) 
         FWrite( nHandle, cText, Len( cText ) ) 
         FClose( nHandle ) 
         ? "Attachment written to:", cFile 


   // Remove the first message from the Pop server 


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