Xbase++ Workbench:xwb

Configure Tools Foundation

Tool options

Tools-> Configure tools


External tools can be integrated into the Xbase++ Workbench so that they are invoked via the Tools menu. Click Add to add a new tool.

Tool properties

Tools-> Configure tools-> Add/Edit

Data required to invoke external tools from within the Xbase++ Workbench is entered in this dialog. The steps to integrate the DLLINFO utility, for example, are explained below.

Enter the name of the tool as Title. The title is displayed as menu item in the Tools menu.
Enter the name and location of the Program file (EXE) to invoke via the Xbase++ Workbench, or select it via the open-folder button.
Enter the name of the Working directory or leave this empty. If empty, the current directory becomes the working directory.
Specify the command line Parameters for the external tool. The DllInfo utility accepts the -r switch and requires the name of an executable file. The latter is taken from the macro variable &TGTNAMEwhich is selected from the Macros list.
The output of the DllInfo utility is displayed in the messages window of the Xbase++ Workbench when Redirect Output is checked.

After completion of these steps, the DllInfo utility can be invoked via the Tools menu. Information about DLLs required for the active target is then displayed in the Xbase++ Workbench.


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