If an XbpBitmap or XbpIcon object is assigned to the :expandedImage instance variable, one of the methods :load() or :loadFile() must have previously been called. For bitmaps constructed in memory, method :make() must have been used. Moreover, it is discouraged to re-use the XbpBitmap or XbpIcon object to load or define a different image as long as it is assigned to the treeview item. Instead, a new object must be created for each new image or icon.
Member variable XbpTreeViewItem():expandedImage Foundation
Resource ID, XbpBitmap or XbpIcon object of the bitmap or icon which indicates the expanded state.
If an XbpTreeViewItem object serves as a node in the tree view, it contains additional objects of this class which represent a sub-level of the tree. The sub-level can be suppressed or made visible. If it is visible, this state can be visualized with an icon or bitmap (Windows Bitmap file format) whose numeric resource ID must be assigned to the instance variable :expandedImage. Resource IDs must be defined in a resource file which is linked to the EXE file using the resource compiler. Instead of a resource ID, an object of the XbpBitmap or XbpIcon classes can be assigned. Assigning a XbpBitmap object allows the usage of images defined in various image file formats (.BMP/.JPG/.PNG). Furthermore, if a transparent color has been defined for the bitmap object, transparent areas within the image are automatically replaced with the background color defined for the XbpTreeView object.
If method :create() of the tree view item has been executed, assigning a new icon or bitmap to :expandedImage changes the image displayed by the item. This can be used to change a tree view item's expanded image dynamically while it is being displayed in the tree view. See method :setExpandedImage() for further information.
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