The parameter is a three element-array which defines a visual representation for a specific value. When data in a column cell has the value <xValue>, the BITMAP resource with ID <nNormalID> is displayed in the cell. If the cell is to be highlighted, the BITMAP resource with the ID <nHiliteID> is displayed. As an alternative to specifying resource IDs, XbpBitmap or XbpIcon objects can be used instead of both <nNormalID> and <nHiliteID>. This allows the usage of various image file formats. Furthermore, if a transparent color has been specified for the bitmap object, transparent areas
within the bitmaps are automatically replaced with the background color defined for the respective cell.
The value -1 is valid for both <nNormalID>|<oNormalBmp> and <nHiliteID>|<oHiliteBmp>. In this case, nothing is displayed in the cell.
Once a visual representation is defined, it can be voided by specifying NIL for either <nNormalID>|<oNormalBmp> or <nHiliteID>|<oHiliteBmp> or both.
If XbpBitmap or XbpIcon objects are used instead of resource IDs to define a cell's visual representation, either :load() or :loadFile() must have been called previously. For bitmaps constructed in memory, method :make() must have been used. Furthermore, it is recommended that separate bitmap or icon objects are used for <oNormalImg> and <oHiliteImg> if these represent different images. Additionally, calling :load(), :loadFile() or :make() on a bitmap or icon object that is currently set as a column's representation is discouraged.