Method XbpQuickBrowse():drawRow() Foundation
Displays values in one browser row.
:drawRow( <nRow>, <nCol>, <aValues>, ;
<nColCount> [,<lRedraw>] ) --> lSuccess
The method returns .T. (true) if the row could be displayed, or .F. (false) in case of a failure.
:drawRow() is a method which is used internally by the browser to draw a row. The methods :Stabilize(), :ForceStable() use this method to draw the contents of one row on the data area.
The parameter <aValues> defines the data to be displayed, it is important to know that this parameter always specifies the complete set of columns. So the length of <aValues> needs to be greater or equal to the length of :colCount. With the parameters <nCol>and <nColCount> one specifies the columns which are painted.
By calling the method :drawRow(), the browser stores the data passed in the specified rows and columns of the data area and uses these values when the browser needs to be repainted with the xbeP_Paint event. Please note that the processing of the xbeP_Paint event within XbpQuickbrowse does not call the :drawRow() method, though.
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