Minus operator (unary): reverses sign of operand (multiplies operand by -1). Minus operator (binary): numeric subtraction or string concatenation.
Decrement operator (unary): subtracts one from a numeric or date value.
Modulus operator (binary): determines the remainder of a division.
Multiplication operator (binary): performs numeric multiplication.
Exponential operator (binary): exponentiation of a numeric value.
Division operator (binary): performs numeric division.
Plus operator (unary): defines the sign of numeric values. Plus operator (binary): numeric addition or string concatenation.
Increment operators (unary): increase numeric or date value by one.
Determines the absolute value of a numeric expression.
Calculates the arc cosine.
Calculates the arc tangent.
Calculates the radiant of an angle from sine and cosine.
Calculates the result of a bitwise AND operation.
Calculates the result of a bitwise OR operation.
Calculates the result of a bitwise XOR operation.
Calculates the cosine for an angle.
Calculates the cotangent.
Gives an inverted index key value for sorting in descending order.
Converts an angle from degrees to radiant.