Function Exp() Foundation
Calculates the value of e to the power of x
Exp( <nExponent> ) --> nAntilogarithm
Exp() raises the numeric value e (base for natural logarithms, 2.71828...) to the power specified by the exponent <nExponent>.
The mathematical function Exp() calculates the antilogarithm of <nExponent>. The number y, whose natural logarithm is x, is designated as the antilogarithm of x. It is calculated by the following exponential equation:
y = e**x
The number e is the base of the natural logarithm (2.71828...) and x is <nExponent>. The value for <nExponent> may not exceed 46, or a numeric overflow is generated.
When the result is displayed, the number of decimal places is only dependent on SET DECIMALS and not on the current SET FIXED setting.
// The example shows various results of the function Exp()
? Exp(1) // result: 2.72
? Exp(46) // result: 94961194206024490000.00
? Exp(1) // result: 2.718281828459045
? Exp(46) // result: 94961194206024490000.000000000000000
? Log(Exp(1)) // result: 1.000000000000000
? Exp(46.1) // result: ********************.***************
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