Function Mod() Foundation

Determines the modulus of two numbers in the same manner as dBASE III PLUS.

Mod( <nDividend>, <nDivisor> ) --> nRest
<nDividend> is the numerator of the division.
<nDivisor> is the denominator of the division.

The return value of Mod() is the numeric remainder of division of <nDividend> by <nDivisor>.


The numeric function Mod() is identical to the function with the same name in dBASE III PLUS. It is replaced in Xbase++ with the Modulus operator (%) and should not be used. The results of Mod() and the modulus operator are different. The example demonstrates the differences between the two.

Comparison between Mod() and Modulus operator (%)

// The example contrasts various modulus operations with Mod() 
// and the modulus operator, demonstrating the differences 
// between them. 


                               ** Deviating results 
   ? Mod(-1, 3) , -1 %  3      // result:     2.00      -1 
   ? Mod( 1,-3) ,  1 % -3      // result:    -2.00       1 
   ? Mod(-2, 3) , -2 %  3      // result:     1.00      -2 
   ? Mod( 2,-3) ,  2 % -3      // result:    -1.00       2 

   ? Mod( 3,-2) ,  3 % -2      // result:    -1.00       1 
   ? Mod(-3, 2) , -3 %  2      // result:     1.00      -1 

                               ** Same results 
   ? Mod( 3, 2) ,  3 %  2      // result:     1.00       1 
   ? Mod(-3,-2) , -3 % -2      // result:    -1.00      -1 

   ? Mod(27, 6) , 27 %  6      // result:     3.00       3 
   ? Mod(27, 3) , 27 %  3      // result:     0.00       0 
   ? Mod(27, 2) , 27 %  2      // result:     1.00       1 
   ? Mod(27,30) , 27 %  30     // result:    27.00      27 

   ? Mod(3.2,2.1) , 3.2 % 2.1  // result:     1.10       1.10 


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