Function WorkSpaceEval() Foundation

Evaluates a code block in all used work areas of a work space

WorkSpaceEval( <bAreaBlock>, [<nWorkSpace>] ) --> nProcessed
The argument <bAreaBlock> must be a code block. It is evaluated in all used work areas of the work space specified with <nWorkSpace>.
Constants from DMLB.CH must be used for the optional argument <nWorkSpace>. It specifies the work space in which WorkSpaceEval() is executed. The following table lists all valid constants:
Constants to specify the work space
Constant Description
DB_ZEROSPACE WorkSpaceEval() is executed in the Zero space
DB_WORKSPACE *) WorkSpaceEval() is executed in the current work space
  1. default

The function returns a numeric value that indicates the number of work areas where the code block <bAreaBlock> is evaluated.


The function WorkSpaceEval() evaluates a code block in all used work areas of a work space. It is used, for example, to set, save or restore the environment within all work areas. If DB_ZEROSPACE is specified, information about work areas pending in the Zero space can be retrieved, which normally is not possible without a prior call to DbRelease().

Determine which work areas are used

// In the example, the function UsedAreas() is programmed. It 
// returns an array containing the numbers of all used work areas. 

FUNCTION UsedAreas() 
   LOCAL aUsed := {} 

   WorkSpaceEval( {|| AAdd( aUsed, Select() ) } ) 

Save the current state of all work areas

// The example demonstrates how to save and restore the current 
// state of all work areas. The user-defined function SaveWorkSpace() 
// saves and RestWorkSpace() restores the state of the work areas. 

FUNCTION SaveWorkSpace 
   LOCAL aSaved := {} 

   WorkSpaceEval( {|| AAdd( aSaved, SaveWorkarea() ) } ) 

RETURN { aSaved, Select() } 

FUNCTION SaveWorkarea 
RETURN  { ; 
   {  Select()   , {|x| DbSelectArea(x)} }, ; 
   {  OrdNumber(), {|x| OrdSetFocus(x) } }, ; 
   {  Recno()    , {|x| Dbgoto(x)      } }  } 

FUNCTION RestWorkSpace( aSaved ) 

   AEval( aSaved[1] , ; 
          {|a| AEval( a, {|aa| Eval( aa[2], aa[1] ) } ) } ) 

RETURN DbSelectArea( aSaved[2] ) 


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