Programming using Thread objects, and creating threads in general, requires careful encapsulation of the program components which are to run in separate threads. Programmers that have never written programs for multi-threading should read the chapter "Multi-tasking and Multi-threading" in the Xbase++ documentation before using thread objects.
Class Thread() Foundation
Class function of the Thread class.
The Thread class provides the Xbase++ programmer with a powerful tool for use in accessing the multi-threading capabilities of the operating system and for allowing an application program to run in multiple threads. Within various threads, different parts of an application run at the same time. An Xbase++ application is always executed in several threads. However, the actual program code written and compiled using Xbase++ normally runs in only one thread while other threads are used for internal purposes, like garbage collection, for example. Using Thread objects, additional threads for program code can be created so that an Xbase++ application can be divided up into different program components that execute independently.
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