Function ThreadWait() Foundation

Waits for the termination of one thread

ThreadWait( <aThreads> , ;
           [<nTimeOut>], ) --> oThread | NIL
<aThreads> is an array whose elements contain Thread objects. The current thread waits for the termination of one or all of the corresponding threads. The number of elements in <aThreads> is limited to the value of the constant THREAD_WAIT_MAX from THREAD.CH.
<nTimeOut> specifies the maximum amount of time the current thread will wait for the termination of other threads. The unit is 1/100th of a second. The default value is 0 and this causes the current thread to wait infinitely until one Thread object in <aThreads> has finished with executing code. If a value > 0 is specified for <nTimeOut> and no thread has terminated within this period of time, the current thread resumes progam execution.

If one thread terminates within the time limit defined with <nTimeOut>, the function returns the corresponding Thread object. Otherwise, the return value is NIL.


The function ThreadWait() causes the current thread to wait until one thread from a number of threads has terminated. Compared to the :synchronize() method of the Thread class, the function has the advantage that the current thread does not need to wait for a particular thread, but rather can wait for any thread from a number of threads. Note that the number of threads the current thread can wait for is limited to the constant THREAD_WAIT_MAX by the operating system.


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