Method Thread():quit() Foundation

Terminate the thread of this thread object

:quit( [<xResult>], [<nRestart>] ) --> NIL
Optionally any value <xResult> can be passed to the method which is assigned as return value of the thread to the :resultinstance variable.
Constants from the following table can be used for <nRestart>. They are defined in THREAD.CH.
Constants for the termination of a thread
Constant Description
QUIT_NORESTART *) The instance variable :interval is set to NIL before the thread is terminated
QUIT_RESTART The instance variable :interval remains unchanged
  1. Default

The return value is always NIL.


The :quit() method immediately terminates execution of program code of the thread of this thread object. Before the thread returns, the :atEnd()method is called and the program code defined by :atEnd is executed, if specified. The :quit() method is special in the Thread class because it can be called only for that Thread object which maintains the current thread. This is equivalent to the expression ThreadObject():quit(). It is not possible to use :quit() for terminating a thread directly from another thread. Terminating a running thread from outside can only be done indirectly.

If a time interval is set on the corresponding Thread object (see :setInterval()) and QUIT_RESTART is passed to :quit(), only the current execution cycle is terminated and the Thread object restarts the thread when the time interval has expired.


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