Programming Tools:prgtools

Xbase++ Profiler Options Foundation

This chapter describes the options available for configuring the Xbase++ profiler and how to reduce information for a trace run. Options are stored in a PRI file when a trace run is started, or by clicking "Save and Quit".

Tab page



Program Name

The name of th EXE file to be analyzed. The Find button opens a file selection dialog.

Program Parameters

Command line parameters to be passed to the EXE.


Operation mode

The collection of trace data can be switched off by selecting "trace off". The default is "trace on".

Built-in functions/methods

Functions and methods not compiled with /profile can be excluded. This applies to functions built into the Xbase++ runtime library or third party libraries. They are ignored in the trace run when "Suppress" is selected. By selecting "Include", all calls to built-in functions and methods are recorded.

Human readable output

Trace data is stored in a PRF file. When this checkbox is checked, the PRF file is created using a delimited ASCII format which can be viewed in a text editor or used via the DELDBE. By unchecking the check box, a FOXDBE compatible file format is used.

Size for symbols

The maximum number of characters for recorded function or method names can be choosen with this spin button. Limiting the length of symbolic names can reduce required disk space to a great extent and improves performance when trace data is analyzed.

Parameter list

All parameters passed to functions and methods are recorded along with their values if this option is checked. This can lead to a huge amount of trace data. The default is not to record parameters.


The time elapsed since the trace is started can be recorded. The unit is 1/1000 seconds. Trace data is reduced by eight bytes per function/method call when this option is not selected.

Line numbers

The number of the line in the source code where a function/method is called can be included in the trace data by checking this option. Each line number requires eight bytes. If you have compiled the PRG-file with option /l (suppress linenumber embedding), the line number will be 0 if selected.


Trace all threads

By default, all threads of a multi-threaded program are included in a trace run. To record only particular threads, this option must be unselected.

Threads to trace

To monitor individual threads, the numeric ID of the thread(s) must be choosen and added to the thread list.


All symbols

The symbols of all functions and methods are recorded by default. To trace a limited number of functions, the "include" or "exclude" option must be selected.


A trace run can be started with a limited number of functions or methods. The listed symbols are either included or excluded from the trace data. To add individual methods to the list, the method name must be entered including the class name (class:method).


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