Database Engines:pgdbe

Limitations Professional

The PostgreSQL DBMS has some limitations, as does any other software. The following table outlines them in detail.

PostgreSQL DatabaseEngine limitations
Description Limit Comment
Max Database size Unlimited Limited only by available harddisk space Tablespaces can be used to let a database span multiple partitions or harddisks
Max table Size 32 TB
Max Row Size 1.6 TB
Max Field Size 1 GB In the event you need to manage TEXT or BYTEA data > 1 GB use the file-system for storage and reference the file in the table
Max Rows per Table Unlimited
Max Columns per Table 250 - 1600

The previously mentioned maximum table size, row size, and columns per table can be extended by a multiple of four by changing the blocksize to 32KB. The default value is 8KB.


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