A standard image must also be defined for the tool bar button object. Otherwise, no user-defined disabled image will be displayed. In addition, we recommend assigning custom images to all the buttons in a tool bar if the default imagery for disabled buttons should not be used. Display may be incorrect if custom images are assigned only to a subset of the tool bar buttons.
Member variable XbpToolBarButton():disabledImage Foundation
Specifies the image displayed by a disabled tool bar button.
If a tool bar button is disabled the system displays an alternate image to signify the button's disabled state. Normally, a ghosted version of the button's standard image is used. However, the image displayed by a disabled tool bar button can be changed through the <xDisabledImage> parameter to XbpToolBar:addItem(). To do this, the application assigns an instance of the XbpBitmap or XbpIcon classes. The object can be used to load images both from the application's resource as well as from disk. Alternatively, a button's :disabledImage instance variable may be used to change its image after it has been added to a XbpToolBar instance.
Note that changing an existing tool bar button's disabled image is an expensive operation. Therefore, we recommend to use method XbpToolBar:addItem() to define a tool bar button's images.
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