Method XbpListBox():setTabstops() Foundation

Sets the tab stops of the listbox.

:setTabstops( <anTabstops> ) --> lSuccess
<anTabstops> is a one dimensional array of numeric values specifying the tab stop positions for a listbox object. The values for tab stops are measured in quarters of the average character width of the listbox object.

This method returns the value .T. (true) if the tab stops array could be set, otherwise it returns .F. (false).


The :setTabstops() method sets the tab stop positions of the listbox object. When items are added to a listbox, they may be separated by tab stop characters (Chr(9)). The values for tab stops are measured in quarters of the average character width of the listbox object. This unit depends on the size of the font set for the listbox object and corresponds with the value stored in the instance variable :width of an XbpFont() object.

The following code shows how the listbox items may be separated with tab stops:

oListbox:addItem( "Col1" + Chr(9) + "Col2" + Chr(9) + "Col3" ) 

An empty array passed as <anTabstops> resets the tab stops to their default values.

If an array with only one element is passed, the single numeric value in this element is used to define the distance between adjacent tab stops. This leads to the same width for all columns displayed by the XbpListbox object.

The method :setTabStops() is not supported for the listbox part of an XbpCombobox object.


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