Method XbpFileDialog():open() Foundation
Activates the file dialog to open a file.
:open( [<cDefaultFile>], ;
[<lCenter>], ;
[<lCreateNewFiles>] ) --> cFileName | aFileNames | NIL
The return value of this method depends on the value passed for the <lAllowMultiple> parameter. If .F. (or nothing) was passed for this parameter, :open() returns the name of the file selected by the user as a character string. If <lAllowMultiple> was set to .T., return is an array of character strings with the list of files names selected. The file name(s) returned always include path information, that is, the drive and directory the file or files are located in. If the dialog is not closed using the "OK" pushbutton, this method returns NIL.
The :open() method displays and activates the file dialog. This dialog allows the user to select a file or a list of files in any directory on any drive. The user indicates a selection by pressing the "OK" pushbutton. This also closes the dialog and this method returns the selected file name(s), including drive and directory information. The dialog can also be closed using the "Cancel" pushbutton or the dialog's window menu. In either of these cases, no file has been selected and this method returns NIL.
The file dialog is generally activated using :open() when a user needs to select a file to open. When a file is to be saved (or saved with a different name), the file dialog is generally activated using the method :saveAs().
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