Method ServiceController():setStartType() Foundation

Sets the starttype of the service to a new one

:setStartType( <cName>, [<nStartType>] ) --> NIL | nOldStartType
The name of the service whose service controller is to be reconfigured.
This parameter controls when and if the operating system starts a service. #define constants from the SERVICE.CH file must be used:
#define constants for <nStartType>
Constant Description
SERVICE_AUTO_START *) Service is started when the system boots
SERVICE_DEMAND_START Service is not started automatically during system boot
SERVICE_DISABLED Service cannot be started
  1. default

This class method returns the old start type. When NIL is returned, the appropriate controller is not yet registered with the class method :addController().


<nStartType> instructs the operating system (not) to start a service automatically, or if a service is disabled.

it is essential to call this class method prior to calling the class method :install().


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