Method Abstract():set/getNoIVar() Foundation

Handles access and assign operations to undefined instance variables.

:setNoIVar( <cMessage>, <xValue> )
:getNoIVar( <cMessage> ) --> xReturn
The message send to the object.
The value of an assignment.

The return value of the method :getNoIvar() will be interpreted as the instance variable's value. The return value of the method :setNoIvar() is ignored.


If a message is sent to an object for which no corresponding instance variable exist, a runtime error would be generated. This runtime error is not raised if :setNoIvar() and :getNoIVar() methods are defined. The :getNoIvar( <cMessage> ) method handles read-access to the member variable <cMessage>, while the :setNoIvar( <cMessage> , <xValue>) method handles write-access. If :setNoIVar() is implemented, :getNoIVar() has to be implemented too otherwise pre/post increment and inline assignment operations will fail.

Both methods receive as their first parameter the message sent to the object. These methods can be used to simulate non-existing variables, or to implement other class-local error handling for this specific error.


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