Method Abstract():notify() Foundation

Receives notifications from DatabaseEngines

:notify( <nEvent>, <nNotification> ) --> self
This parameter receives a numeric value that corresponds with a #define constant listed in APPEVENT.CH. Database Engines pass xbeDBO_Notify for <nEvent>.
The second parameter identifies the situation for which an object is notified. The file DMLB.CH lists #define constants that can be used to test in a program which situation occurred.
Constants for identifying database operations
Constant Description
DBO_CLOSE_REQUEST File in work area will be closed
DBO_BULK_REQUEST Time consuming database operation begins
DBO_BULK_COMPLETE Time consuming database operation ends
DBO_CHANGE_ORDER Order of records changed (logical or physical order)
DBO_TABLE_UPDATE Data in current record modified
DBO_TABLE_DELETED Record deleted
DBO_TABLE_APPEND New record created
DBO_MOVE_PROLOG Record pointer will be moved
DBO_MOVE_DONE Movement of record pointer ends
DBO_GOTOP Record pointer set to beginning of file
DBO_GOBOTTOM Record pointer set to the end of file

The return value of :notify() is ignored.


The method :notify() is used in conjunction with DbRegisterClient() which registers objects as notification recipients in a used work area. Database Engines then call the :notify() method for all registered objects when the state in the corresponding work area changes. This can be induced by record pointer movement or by changing data in the work area. When :notify() is called, the work area is current in which the object is registered.


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