Function Stuff() Foundation

Inserts and/or deletes characters in a character string.

Stuff(<cString>, <nStart>, <nDelete>, <cInsert>) --> cNewString
<cString> is a character string in which characters are inserted or deleted.
<nStart> is an integer numeric value which determines where (at which character position) in <cString> an insertion or deletion takes place.
The numeric value <nDelete> indicates how many characters in <cString> are deleted beginning at <nStart>.
<cInsert> is a character string inserted in <cString> at the position <nStart>.

Stuff() returns a copy of <cString> as a character string in which <nDelete> characters are deleted and the characters <cInsert>are inserted.


The character function Stuff() allows complex character string operations which perform insertions and deletions at the same time. <nDelete> characters are deleted from the initial character string <cString> beginning with the position <nStart>. Then, the character string <cInsert> is inserted, also at the position <nStart>. The resulting string is returned. The function Stuff() allows six different character string operations:

Insert: When the value for <nDelete> is zero, no characters are deleted from <cString>. <cInsert> is inserted at the position <nStart>.

Delete: When <cInsert> is a null string (""), the number of <nDelete> characters are deleted from <cString> at the position <nStart> and no characters are inserted.

Replace: When the value for <nDelete> is exactly the same as the length of <cInsert>, as many characters are deleted as are inserted. Exactly <nDelete> characters from the position <nStart> are replaced with <cInsert>.

Replace and insert: When the value for <nDelete> is less than the length of <cInsert>, fewer characters are deleted than inserted. The return value is a longer character string than the initial value.

Replace and delete: When the value for <nDelete> is greater than the length of <cInsert>, more characters are deleted than inserted. The return value is a shorter character string than the initial value.

Replace and delete rest: When the value for <nDelete> is equal to or greater than the remaining characters in <cString> starting at the position <nStart>, characters at the end of <nString>are deleted and <cInsert> is attached at the end.

Character string operations with Stuff()

// The example demonstrates operation of the function Stuff() 


** Insert 
   ? Stuff( "abcdefgh", 4, 0, "123")   // result: abc123defgh 

** Delete 
   ? Stuff( "abcdefgh", 4, 2, "")      // result: abcfgh 

** Replace 
   ? Stuff( "abcdefgh", 4, 2, "12")    // result: abc12fgh 

** Replace and insert 
   ? Stuff( "abcdefgh", 4, 2, "12345") // result: abc12345fgh 

** Replace and delete 
   ? Stuff( "abcdefgh", 4, 4, "12")    // result: abc12h 

** Replace and delete rest 
   ? Stuff( "abcdefgh", 4, 6, "123" )  // result: abc123 



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