Function StrTran() Foundation
Replaces characters in a character string or memo field.
StrTran( <cString>, <cSeek>, ;
[<cReplace>], [<nStart>], [<nCount>] ) --> cNewString
The return value of StrTran() is a character string in which <cSeek> is replaced with <cReplace> from the position <nStart> exactly <nCount> times.
The character function StrTran() searches a character string for a character or a string and replaces occurrences of this string with another character or string. When values are not specified for <nStart> and <nCount>, all instances of <cSeek> found are replaced with <cReplace>. When <cReplace> is not specified, <cSeek> is replaced with a null string (""), causing <cSeek>to be deleted from <cString>.
StrTran() replaces all occurrences of <cSeek>. To replace only a single occurrence of <cSeek>, the function Stuff() is used. For memo fields or character strings with control characters, the functions HardCR() and MemoTran() are used to replace carriage returns.
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