Function RestScreen() Foundation

Redisplays screen contents previously saved with SaveScreen().

RestScreen( [<nTop>]   , [<nLeft>] , ;
            [<nBottom>], [<nRight>], <cScreen>) --> NIL
<nTop> is an integer numeric value which determines the top screen row of the area where the saved screen information is redisplayed. The four arguments <nTop>, <nLeft>, <nBottom> and <nRight> determine the coordinates within which the information contained in <cScreen> is displayed. If no coordinates are specified when saving the screen contents with SaveScreen(), no coordinates need to be specified when calling RestScreen().
<nLeft> is an integer numeric value which determines the left screen column for the display area.
<nBottom> is an integer numeric value which determines the bottom screen row for the display area.
<nRight> is an integer numeric value which determines the right screen column for the display area.
<cScreen> is a character string which contains the characters from the screen along with their color attributes.

RestScreen() always returns the value NIL.


The screen function RestScreen() normally redisplays a segment of screen previously saved using the function SaveScreen(). The display can occur any place on the entire screen. When a saved screen segment is displayed at a new location, the new segment must have the same dimensions as the original.

Every second character in the character pairs comprising <cScreen>contains the color attribute for the visible character placed on the screen.

Draw a shadow around a box with RestScreen()

// The example shows how a shadow can be output around 
// a box using RestScreen(). 
// Further detailed examples of SaveScreen() and RestScreen() 
// are shown with the function SaveScreen(). 

   LOCAL nTop:=7, nLeft:=10, nBottom:=17 , nRight:=60, cScreen 

   SetColor("N/BG")              // output background 
   DispBox(0,0,MaxRow(),MaxCol(),Replicate(Chr(176),9) ) 

                                 // output box 
   DispBox( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, 2, "W+/R" ) 

                                 // save right shadow area 
   cScreen := SaveScreen(nTop+1,nRight+1,nBottom+1,nRight+2) 
                                 // replace color attributes with 
   cScreen := Transform( cScreen,; // attribute for "N+/N" 
                 Replicate("X"+Chr(8), Len(cScreen)/2) ) 
                                 // output right shadow area 
   RestScreen(nTop+1,nRight+1,nBottom+1,nRight+2,cScreen ) 

                                 // save bottom shadow area 
   cScreen := SaveScreen(nBottom+1,nLeft+2,nBottom+1,nRight) 
                                 // replace color attributes with 
   cScreen := Transform( cScreen,; // attribute for "N+/N" 
                 Replicate("X"+Chr(8), Len(cScreen)/2) ) 
                                 // output bottom shadow area 
   RestScreen(nBottom+1,nLeft+2,nBottom+1,nRight,cScreen ) 



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