Function OrdWildSeek() Foundation
Search for a single or subset of records matching a specific wildcard pattern.
OrdWildSeek( <cSkeletonExpr> ) --> lMatch
OrdWildSeek() -> nRecord
The function OrdWildSeek( <cSkeletonExpr> ) returns .T. (true) if one or more records matching the <cSkeletonExpr> could be found in the active index of the current work area.
The function OrdWildSeek() navigates to the next record of the current table matching the initial search condition. If no more records could be found the function OrdWildSeek() returns .F. (false) and navigates to the ghost record.
The function OrdWildSeek() can be used to efficiently determine subsets of a work area based on an index and search pattern. The function OrdWildSeek() uses the active index of the current work area for its search operation. A runtime error is raisen if the index is not of character type.
If the function OrdWildSeek( <cSkeletonExpr> ) return .T. it has succesfully found one or more matching records. Found() returns .T. (true) in that case, and the record pointer of the current workarea is positioned to the first matching record.
Subsequent calls of OrdWildSeek() without any parameter advance the record pointer to the next matching record and return .T. (true). If the last matching record is reached a call to OrdWildSeek() will return .F. (false) and the record pointer is positioned at the ghost record.
If the function OrdWildSeek( <cSkeletonExpr> ) does not find any matching record, it does not reposition the record pointer and returns .F. (false).
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