Function OrdNumber() Foundation
Returns the position of an index in the index list based on the index name.
OrdNumber( [<cTagName>] ) --> nIndexOrder
The return value of OrdNumber() is a positive integer indicating the position of an index in the list of open indexes. The indexes are numbered in the order that they were activated using OrdListAdd() or SET INDEX TO. When no index is open, the function returns the value zero. When no value is specified for <cTagName>, the position of the controlling index is returned.
The index function OrdNumber() determines the position of an index in the list of open indexes in a work area. When the function is used without the alias operator, it returns the position of an index in the current work area. The ordinal position of the index depends on the order that the indexes were activated using OrdListAdd() or SET INDEX TO. The return value of OrdNumber() is the same as the return value of the function IndexOrd(), but IndexOrd() only determines the position of the controlling index.
OrdNumber() is comparable to the function Select(), which returns the ordinal number of a work area based on its alias name.
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