Constant | Description |
FH_STDIN | Standard input |
FH_STDOUT | Standard output |
FH_STDERR *) | Standard error |
Function FWrite() Foundation
Writes a character string into an open file.
FWrite( <nHandle>, <cString>, [<nBytes>] ) --> nBytesWritten
FWrite() returns an integer numeric value indicating the number of bytes actually written into the file. When the return value is less than <nBytes>, either an error occurred during the write operation or the memory capacity of the storage media is exhausted.
The low level file function FWrite() writes a character string into an open file. The write operation begins at the current position of the file pointer. By specifying <nBytes>, part or all of the character string <cString> can be written into the file. The return value of FWrite() corresponds to the number of bytes actually written to the file. If the value is not the same as <nBytes>, an error occurred which can be diagnosed using the function FError().
Note that FWrite() does not automatically truncate existing file contents. If a short character is inserted in a file, the file pointer is advanced to the end of the insertion by FWrite(), but the rest of the file remains unchanged.
// In the example the function FCopy() is implemented
// as a user-defined function with FRead() and FWrite().
#include ""
#define BUFFER_SIZE 2^16
FUNCTION FCopy( cSourceFile, cTargetFile )
LOCAL nSource, nTarget, cBuffer, nBytes
IF ( nSource := FOpen( cSourceFile, FO_READ ) ) == -1
? "File cannot be opened:",cSourceFile
ELSEIF ( nTarget := FCreate( cTargetFile, FC_NORMAL ) ) == -1
FClose( nSource )
? "File cannot be opened:", cTargetFile
cBuffer := Space( BUFFER_SIZE )
DO WHILE FError() == 0 .AND. nBytes > 0
nBytes := FRead( nSource, @cBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE )
FWrite( nTarget, Left(cBuffer, nBytes) )
FClose( nSource )
FClose( nTarget )
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