Function NnetSemWai() Foundation

Waits for a semaphore to become available (decrements semaphore value)

NnetSemWai( <nSemaphoreHandle>        , ;
            [<nTimeout>]              , ;  // Default: 9
            [<cFileServer|nConnectID>]  ;  // Default: NnetSname()
          ) --> lSemaphoreIsAvailable

Returns .T. when the semaphore <nSemaphoreHandle> is available for the workstation.


The function decrements the semaphore value. As long as the value is positive the semaphore is available and .T. is returned. If the value goes negative the function waits <nTimeOut> * 1/18th seconds for another workstation to signal the semaphore (increment its value). If the semaphore value is still negative after the timeout interval the function returns .F. and the semaphore is not available.

When NnetSemWai() returns .T. function NnetSemSgn() must be called in order to increment the semaphore value again.


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