Function NnetSemVal() Foundation

Retrieves the current semaphore value.

NnetSemVal( <nSemaphoreHandle>        , ;
            [<cFileServer|nConnectID>]  ;  // Default: NnetSname()
          ) --> nSemaphoreValue

Returns the value of semaphore <nSemaphoreHandle> or -1 in case of an error.


As long as NnetSemVal() returns a positive value it indicates the number of available openings for the semaphore <nSemaphoreHandle>. Once the return value goes negative it represents the number of workstations waiting in the semaphore queue for semaphores to become available.

NOTE: This function returns -1 on an error condition. This is a functionality fault in the CA-Tools library because -1 is a valid value for a semaphore. However, for compatibility reasons we do the same.


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