Class XbpFontDialog() Foundation

Class function of the XbpFontDialog class.


The XbpFontDialog class provides the default font dialog that allows the user to define XbpFont objects at runtime of an Xbase++ program. The font dialog is derived from the XbpSysWindow class (see the XbpSysWindow class for more information). After an XbpFontDialog object has been created, values can be assigned to its instance variables to configure the font dialog. The dialog itself is provided by the operating system in the method :create(). The :display()method displays and activates the font dialog. This opens a window where font attributes can be set. Before the font dialog is visible on the screen three methods must be executed. The simplest approach is shown in the following program lines:

oFontDlg := XbpFontDialog():new()  // Create object 
// configure font dialog 
oFontDlg:create()                  // Request dialog 
oFont := oFontDlg:display()        // Activate dialog 

System dialogs such as the font dialog are always modal under Windows. The method :display()returns an XbpFont object and an Xbase++ program waits until the font dialog is closed.

Class methods
Creates an instance of the XbpFontDialog class.
Determines whether the code page (character set) of the font is selectable.
Specifies the initial code page (character set) selected in the font dialog.
Specifies the font family of the font initially selected in the font dialog.
Specifies the initial font size selected in the font dialog.
Specifies whether the initial font selected in the font dialog is italic.
Specifies the weight of the font initially selected in the font dialog.
Determines whether the controls for choosing font effects are displayed.
Specifies the family name (deprecated)
Determines whether only non-proportional fonts are displayed.
Determines whether the "Name" combo box for selecting different fonts is enabled.
Specifies the point size (deprecated)
Determines the foreground color for the window containing the font example.
Contains the presentation space for a printer.
Contains the presentation space for the screen.
Determines whether the "Size" combo box for selecting different type sizes is enabled.
Determines whether the "Strikeout" check box for requesting a strikeout font is enabled.
Determines whether the "Style" combo box for selecting different font styles is enabled.
Determines whether to synthesize non-available font attributes.
Determines the character string for the title bar of the XbpFontDialog window.
Determines whether the "Underscore" check box for requesting an underscored font is enabled.
Determines whether only vector fonts are displayed.
Determines whether to include printer fonts.
Determines whether to include screen fonts.
Life cycle
Requests the font dialog from the operating system.
Releases the system resources of the XbpFontDialog object.
Displays the font dialog.
Using the font dialog
// This example demonstrates the basic process for using 
// an XbpFontDialog object. A font dialog is created and 
// displayed in the modal operating mode. As long as the 
// user continues to select fonts, the :compoundName for 
// each font selected is displayed in that font. 

#include "" 

   LOCAL oFont, oFontDlg 
   SETCOLOR( "N/W" ) 
                                    // Create XbpFontDialog object 
   oFontDlg            := XbpFontDialog():New() 
   oFontDlg:familyName := "Times New Roman" 
   oFontDlg:create()                // Request font dialog 

                                    // Allow font to be selected 
   DO WHILE ( oFont := ;            // using modal operation 
              oFontDlg:display( XBP_DISP_APPMODAL ) ) <> NIL 

      GraSetFont ( , oFont )        // Display font name 
      GraStringAt( , {10,300}, oFont:compoundName ) 

                                    // Assign current font name 
      oFontDlg:familyName := oFont:familyName // as default 
      oFont:destroy()                         // Destroy font 


   oFontDlg:destroy()               // Destroy font dialog 


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