Operator -> Foundation
Alias operator (binary): selects a work area.
<AliasName> -> <FieldName>
<AliasName> -> (<Expression>)
(<nArea>) -> <FieldName>
(<nArea>) -> (<Expression>)
FIELD -> <VarName>
MEMVAR -> <VarName>
The alias operator -> explicitly selects a work area (in which a file is open) and then evaluates the expression. On the left side of the operator should be either the alias name of the work area or a numeric value in parentheses indicating the ordinal position of the desired work area. On the right side of the operator is either the name of a field variable or an expression enclosed in parentheses. The alias operator implicitly uses the command SELECT, which selects a work area. After the evaluation of the expression on the right side of the operator the original work area is restored as the current work area.
In Xbase++ there are two reserved alias names FIELD and MEMVAR, which are used with undeclared variables to specify to the compiler that they are field variables or memory variables which are of storage class PRIVATE or PUBLIC. These two alias names exist for compatibility reasons and their use is not recommended. Instead, declaring or explicitly associating each variable with a work area is highly recommended.
When an undeclared variable in a procedure or user defined function can indicate either a memory variable or a field variable, the field variable is accessed by default. This default behavior can be changed by the compiler switch /V.
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