Operator = (compound assignment) Foundation

Compound assignment (binary): performs an operation and assigns the resulting value to a variable.

<VarName> += <nValue>    // addition
<VarName> += <cString>   // string concatenation
<VarName> -= <cString>   // string concatenation
<VarName> -= <nValue>    // subtraction
<VarName> -= <dDate>     // subtraction
<VarName> *= <nValue>    // multiplication
<VarName> /= <nValue>    // division
<VarName> %= <nValue>    // modulus
<VarName> **= <nValue>   // exponential
<VarName> ^= <nValue>    // exponential
<VarName> designates any variable type including a field variable, member variable, or array element. The value of the variable must be of data type character, date, numeric or memo. When <VarName>designates a field variable, either the alias operator must be used or <VarName> must be declared in a FIELD statement.
<cString> is a character expression whose value is used in a compound assignment.
<nValue> is a numerical expression whose value is used in a compound assignment.
<dDate> is a date expression whose value is used in a compound assignment.

A compound assignment operator first executes the specified operation with the value of the variable <VarName> and the value of the expression and then assigns the result of the operation to the variable. The various operators are defined as follows:

Compound operators (inline operators)
Operator Operation Description
x += y x := (x + y) Inline addition, inline concatenation
x -= y x := (x - y) Inline subtraction, inline concatenation
x *= y x := (x * y) Inline multiplication
x /= y x := (x / y) Inline division
x %= y x := (x % y) Inline modulus
x **=y x := (x **y) Inline exponentiation
x ^= y x := (x ^ y) Inline exponentiation

Like the inline assignment operator (:=), the compound assignment operator can be used in expressions. The expression on the right side of the operator is always evaluated first, then the specified operation is performed with the value of the variable. Finally, the resulting value is assigned to the variable on the left side of the operator. Compound assignments follow the same rules as inline assignments.

The inline addition and inline concatenation operator (+=)

// This example shows various results of the operator += 

   LOCAL nValue, dDate, cString 

   nValue := 4                      // addition 
   ? nValue += 6                    // result: 10 
   ? Sqrt( nValue += 90 )           // result: 10 
   ? nValue                         // result: 100 

   dDate := CtoD("12/31/94")        // addition 
   ? dDate += 6                     // result: 01/06/95 

   cString := "James "              // string concatenation 
   ? cString += "Bond"              // result: James Bond 


The inline subtraction and inline concatenation operator (-=)

   LOCAL nValue, dDate, cString 

   nValue := 25                     // subtraction 
   ? nValue -= 15                   // result: 10 
   ? Sqrt( nValue -= 6 )            // result: 2 
   ? nValue                         // result: 4 

   dDate := CtoD("12/31/94")        // subtraction 
   ? dDate -= 7                     // result: 12/24/94 

   cString := "James     "          // string concatenation 
   ? cString -= "Bond"              // result: JamesBond 

The inline multiplication operator (*=)

// This example shows various results of the operator *=. 

   LOCAL nValue := 100 

   ? (nValue *= 50) - 500           // result: 4500 
   ? nValue                         // result: 5000 

   nValue *= 2 
   ? nValue                         // result: 10000 

The inline division operator (/=)

// This example shows various results of the operator /=. 

   LOCAL nValue := 100 

   ? (nValue /= 50) + 50            // result: 52 
   ? nValue                         // result: 2 

   nValue /= 0.5 
   ? nValue                         // result: 4 

The inline modulus operator (%=)

// This example shows various results of the operator %=. 

   LOCAL nValue := 100 

   ? (nValue %= 30) + 50            // result: 60 
   ? nValue                         // result: 10 

   nValue %= 4 
   ? nValue                         // result: 2 

The inline exponentiation operator (**=)

// This example shows results of an inline exponentiation operator. 

   LOCAL nValue := 2 

   ? (nValue **= 3) - 6             // result: 2 
   ? nValue                         // result: 8 

   nValue ^= 4 
   ? nValue                         // result: 4096 


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