Operator .AND. Foundation
.AND. Operator (binary): logical AND
<lCondition1> .AND. <lCondition2>
The .AND. operator links logical expressions and returns the result of a logical AND operation. This returns the value .T. (true) only when all .AND. linked expressions individually evaluate to the value .T. (true).
Many logical expressions can be linked with the .AND. operator. When one or more .AND. operators are used in a program line, the Xbase++ compiler usesshortcut optimizing by default. As soon as a single expression returns the value .F. (false), the result of the entire logical expression has been determined. Any remaining expressions are not evaluated and the result is the value .F. (false).
// This example demonstrates use and results of the
// .AND. operator
? .T. .AND. .T. // result: .T.
? .T. .AND. .F. // result: .F.
? .F. .AND. .T. // result: .F. (Shortcut optimized)
? .F. .AND. .F. // result: .F. (Shortcut optimized)
? IIf( 5<10 .AND. 5>1,"True","False")
// result: True
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