Method XbpColumn():new() Foundation
Creates instances of the XbpColumn class.
XbpColumn():new( [<oParent>], ;
[<oOwner>], ;
[<aPos>], ;
[<aSize>], ;
[<aPresParam>], ;
[<lVisible>] ) --> oXbpColumn
The class method :new() returns an XbpColumn object.
An XbpColumn object allows the separate configuration of heading area, data area and footing area. The configuration of each area is accomplished with three different sets of define constants used to identify a particular presentation parameter. These constants are found in the XBP.CH file and are listed in the following tables:
Constant | Description |
XBP_PP_COL_HA_CAPTION | Text displayed in the heading |
XBP_PP_COL_HA_FGCLR | Foreground color |
XBP_PP_COL_HA_BGCLR | Background color |
XBP_PP_COL_HA_COMPOUNDNAME | Font compound name |
XBP_PP_COL_HA_HEIGHT | Height of the heading in pixel |
XBP_PP_COL_HA_ALIGNMENT | Alignment of text |
Constant | Description |
XBP_PP_COL_DA_FGCLR | Foreground color |
XBP_PP_COL_DA_BGCLR | Background color |
XBP_PP_COL_DA_HILITE_FGCLR | Foreground color for highlight |
XBP_PP_COL_DA_HILITE_BGCLR | Background color for highlight |
XBP_PP_COL_DA_COMPOUNDNAME | Font compound name |
XBP_PP_COL_DA_ROWWIDTH | Width of the frame in pixel |
XBP_PP_COL_DA_ROWHEIGHT | Height of the frame in pixel |
XBP_PP_COL_DA_CELLWIDTH | Width of the cell in pixel |
XBP_PP_COL_DA_CELLHEIGHT | Height of the cell in pixel |
XBP_PP_COL_DA_CHARWIDTH | Width of a cell in characters |
XBP_PP_COL_DA_CELLALIGNMENT | Alignment of a cell within frame |
XBP_PP_COL_DA_ROWSEPARATOR | Separating line between rows |
XBP_PP_COL_DA_COLSEPARATOR | Separating line between columns |
XBP_PP_COL_DA_CELLFRAMELAYOUT | Border of cell within frame |
XBP_PP_COL_DA_HILITEFRAMELAYOUT | Frame type of highlighted cell |
Constant | Description |
XBP_PP_COL_FA_CAPTION | Text displayed in the footing |
XBP_PP_COL_FA_FGCLR | Foreground color |
XBP_PP_COL_FA_BGCLR | Background color |
XBP_PP_COL_FA_COMPOUNDNAME | Font compound name |
XBP_PP_COL_FA_HEIGHT | Height of the footing in pixel |
XBP_PP_COL_FA_ALIGNMENT | Alignment of text |
Caption: A character string can be displayed in both heading and footing area. If *CAPTION is not specified, a column does not have a heading or a footing.
Colors: Values for foreground and background colors (constants *FGCLR and *BGCLR) are #define constants prefixed with GRA_CLR_ or XBPSYSCLR_.
Font: For *COMPOUNDNAME, a character string that contains the compound name of a font must be used. By default, the font of the parent (XbpBrowse) is used.
Height and width: The default value for presentation parameters defining height or width (constants *HEIGHT and *WIDTH) is XBP_AUTOSIZE. This means: an XbpColumn object calculates height and width from the data to be displayed. Height and width can be specified with numeric values indicating number of pixels. An exception is XBP_PP_COL_DA_CHARWIDTH which allows the definition of the width as 'number of characters'.
Alignment: Display of text in the heading and footing area is left aligned by default. Default alignment in the data area depends on the data type of displayed values. Numeric values are right aligned, logical values are centered and the rest is left aligned. Default values for *ALIGNMENT are changed with constants listed in the next table. These constants can be added to define horizontal and vertical alignment:
Constant | Description |
XBPALIGN_TOP | Alignment at the top |
XBPALIGN_LEFT | Alignment on the left |
XBPALIGN_BOTTOM | Alignment at the bottom |
XBPALIGN_RIGHT | Alignment on the right |
XBPALIGN_HCENTER | Horizontally centered |
XBPALIGN_VCENTER | Vertically centered |
Separator lines: Columns are displayed without separating lines by default. Constants that can be used as values for the presentation parameters *SEPARATOR are listed below:
Constant | Description |
XBPCOL_SEP_NONE *) | No separating line |
XBPCOL_SEP_LINE | Normal line |
XBPCOL_SEP_DASHED | Dashed line |
XBPCOL_SEP_DOTTED | Dotted line |
Column separators are not displayed on the Windows platform.
Frames: All presentation parameters which end with *FRAMELAYOUT configure borders or frame types of the cells displayed in a column. The constants listed in the next table can be added to define the general frame layout:
Constant | Description |
XBPFRAME_NONE | No frame |
XBPFRAME_RECT | Frame drawn using system background color (not filled) |
XBPFRAME_BOX | Box filled with background or highlight color |
XBPFRAME_THICK | Frame or box has wider frame (combine with XBPFRAME_RECT or XBPFRAME_BOX) |
The rectangle frame type (XBPFRAME_RECT) can optionally be modified by adding one of the modifiers in the following table:
Constant | Description |
XBPFRAME_RAISED | Frame is raised |
XBPFRAME_RECESSED | Frame is recessed |
XBPFRAME_DASHED *) | Frame has dashed lines |
XBPFRAME_DOTTED | Frame has dotted lines |
The filled frame type (XBPFRAME_BOX) can optionally be modified by adding using the following frame modifiers:
Constant | Description |
XBPFRAME_RAISED | Box has raised frame |
XBPFRAME_RECESSED | Box has recessed frame |
The XbpColumn class supports presentation parameters to specify the frame type separately for each of the following display elements:
Column area | Default frame layout |
Column area | Default frame drawn around individual cells |
:Heading | XBPFRAME_NONE |
:Footing | XBPFRAME_NONE |
Column area | Default highlight frame |
:Heading | XBPFRAME_NONE |
:DataArea | XBPFRAME_BOX |
:Footing | XBPFRAME_NONE |
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