Method XbpColumn():hide() Foundation

Hides the column.

:hide() --> lSuccess

:hide() returns .T. (TRUE) if the column is hidden, or .F. (FALSE) in case of an error.


:hide() hides a column in an XbpBrowse object. Hidden columns cannot be navigated to with the keyboard or the mouse, and the data that is normally displayed in them is not visible for as long as the columns remain hidden. The method :show() can be used to redisplay a hidden column at a later time.

Hiding columns changes the display and the navigation order of the columns within the browse. The hidden column will be skipped when navigating with the mouse or cursor keys, and the next column will assume the hidden column's position in the display order of the columns in the browse. If the second column is hidden using :hide(), for example, the third column becomes the new second column in the display order, and when clicking a cell with the mouse, the new position will be reported as such in :colPos and in the corresponding event parameters. Likewise, if the column containing the active cell is hidden, the adjacent cell in the next column will be highlighted instead and the next column will become the current column.


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