Method XbpClipBoard():setBuffer() Foundation

Writes data to the clipboard.

:setBuffer( <xBuffer>, [<nFormatId>] ) --> lSuccess
<xBuffer> contains the data that is written to the clipboard. This parameter can be a character string, an XbpBitmap object, or an XbpMetafile object.
<nFormatId> optionally specifies the format the data passed in <xBuffer> is to be stored into the clipboard in. If a string or an object of either the XbpBitmap or XbpMetafile class is passed in <xBuffer>, parameter <nFormatId> is optional.

This method returns the value .T. (true) if the data could be written to the clipboard, otherwise .F. (false) is returned.


The :setBuffer() method copies data to the clipboard. Three different standard formats can be written to the clipboard: text data in ASCII format, graphic data in the form of a bitmap, or graphic data in the form of a metafile. This method recognizes the data format based on the data type of the <xBuffer> parameter. If graphic data is copied to the clipboard, it must be in the form of an XbpBitmap object or an XbpMetafile object. However, if the data in<xBuffer> should be stored in a user-defined format, the respective format id returned by :registerFormat() must be specified in parameter <nFormatId>.

Before the :setBuffer() method can be executed, the clipboard must have already been opened using the :open() method. Also, the method :clear() must be used to clear the current clipboard contents. If :clear() had not been called, method :setBuffer() may fail.


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