Method XbpCellGroup():setCell() Foundation

Defines the value to be displayed in a cell.

:setCell( <nRowPos>, <xValue>, ;
         [<nType>] , [<lRepaint>] ) --> lSuccess
<nRowPos> is a numeric value indicating the ordinal row position of the cell whose value is changed.
This parameter specifies the value to be displayed in the cell. It can be of the data type "C", "D", "L" or "N". If the display type specified in parameter <nType> is equivalent to XBPCOL_TYPE_BITMAP or XBPCOL_TYPE_ICON, <xValue> may also be set to an object of the XbpBitmap or XbpIcon class, respectively. This allows loading images from disk, for example. Furthermore, if a transparent color has been specified for the bitmap object, transparent areas within the image are automatically replaced with the cell's background color.

If an XbpBitmap or XbpIcon object is passed for parameter <xValue>, either :load(), :loadFile() must have been called previously. If the bitmap resides in memory, method :make() must have been used to initialize the image. Furthermore, reusing the same bitmap or icon object to load a different image is discouraged as long as the object is used as the value for a cell. Instead, a new bitmap object should be created for each individual image loaded from disk.

<nType> specifies the visual representation of the value. It defaults to the value assigned to the :type instance variable before :create() is called.
<lRepaint> specifies whether or not the cell is immediately re-displayed when the method returns. The default value is .T. (true) and the cell is automatically re-displayed.

The method returns .T. (true) when the value is assigned to the cell, or .F. (false) in case of a failure.


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