Method WMLCard():task() Professional

Create a task.

:task( [<cLabel>], ;
       <cURL>    , ;
       [<cType>] , ;
       [<cOptions>] ) --> self
The optional parameter <cLabel> becomes the value of the label attribute in the WML <do> tag.
The parameter <cURL> becomes the value of the href attribute in the WML <go> tag.
The optional parameter <cType> becomes the value of the type attribute in the WML <do> tag.
The optional parameter <cOptions> is a character string that is inserted into the WML <do> tag.

This method returns the object executing the method (self).


The method specifies a task in a card which usually defines how a user can navigate beween cards in a deck or between WML documents. The parameter <cURL> indicates the target of the task, i.e. this is what the mobile device is to load when the user activates the link indicated with <cLabel>.

The parameter <cType> defaults to "accept" (=positive acknowledgement). Other valid types for a task are "prev" (=backward navigation), "help" (=request for help) and "refresh" (=reload current document).

WML output when <cURL> is a #cardID or a http: link:

<do type="cType" [label="cLabel"] [cOptions]> 
 <go href="cURL"/> 

WML output when <cURL> is a predefined task such as <prev/>:

<do type="cType" [label="cLabel"] [cOptions]> 


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