Method WMLCard():setWaa() Professional

Add a link to a WAA package function.

:setWaa( <cPackage> , ;
         <cForm>    , ;
         <cLabel> ) --> self
The parameter <cPackage> becomes the value of WAA_PACKAGE attribute of the connection string.
The parameter <cForm> becomes the value of WAA_FORM attribute of the connection string.
The parameter <cLabel> becomes the value of the label attribute in the WML <do> tag.

This method returns the object executing the method (self).


The method defines the WAA package DLL and form function to be accessed from the card and adds a link to the card displaying the text <cLabel>. The link is returned by the method :getWAALink(). It is automatically included when no link to the WAA is defined and oWMLDeck:default is set to .T. (true).

WML output:

<do type="accept" label="cLabel"> 
<go href=" + ::getWAALink() + "/> 


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